Friday, July 1, 2011

{Brian ♥ Stephanie :: Family Shoot :: June 30, 2011}

Doing this photoshoot for Brian and Stephanie's family was absolutely wonderful. I had perfect weather and great subjects! Stephanie had recently given birth to her adorable baby boy, Kaleb, and wanted to have some new family portraits done of their growing little family. I was happy to oblige! Brian and Stephanie now have three adorable boys and her oldest sons, Noah and Isaak were just wonderfully behaved during the entire shoot. It was such a blessing and made my job so much easier! These photos came out great.

^Noah was a big help with his younger brothers and this was just a sweet moment!

^Such a sweet moment between brothers!

^Stephanie is just beautiful!

^Isaak wanted to take pictures being silly and I was happy to oblige!

^Such a handsome lad!

^Isaak gave his mom flowers; it was precious!

^Absolutely love this shot. It's one of my favorites!

^Noah was great to work with. He was so sweet and so photogenic!

^Brian and Stephanie are so cute!

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