Tuesday, November 1, 2011

{Sarah ♥ Jason :: Engagement Session}

Sarah and Jason are getting married in May, so October is the perfect month for engagement pictures! We chose the beautiful Coxhall Gardens in Carmel, Indiana for the backdrop of their pictures. Sarah and Jason are such a fun couple and it was amazing getting to work with them in such a perfect location. Fall is definitely my favorite season and these pictures are just the perfect display of the fall colors and romance!

^Love this couple!

^Love this shot! So cute how they are sitting and how their feet are... very "them" :)

^Gorgeous ring! Jason did GOOD.

^One of my absolute favorites! Such a cute pose!

^Love this look Sarah is giving Jason...

^So sweet! Gorgeous architecture!

^Love this shot! Coxhall Gardens is just gorgeous!

^So romantic!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

{Ben and Cara have a little girl!!! ♥ }

Ben and Cara decided not to find out the sex of their baby, but everyone had an inkling that little "baby S" was going to be a boy. We were all shocked to find out on October 24 that little "baby S" was a little girl! And she is the most precious baby girl I have ever seen... I can't wait to be able to do her newborn portraits in just a couple weeks! Welcome to the world little Adelle!

^Sweet little Adelle smiles in her sleep! :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

{Kate ♥ Dan :: Family Session}

This was an amazing family session with Kate and Dan... This was my second family portrait session done while at the church convention we had in Destin, Florida for the Feast of Tabernacles. The light was fading fast and so were the girls, but it was absolutely beautiful and Kate was awesome at keeping everyone together! Dan and Kate are the most romantic couple I have had a chance to work with and Kate is just stunning. I loved having the opportunity to do another family portrait session for them! They have such a beautiful family. :)

^Isn't this the most adorable little family?? I love them!

^One of my favorite shots!

^Such a beautiful family!

^Love how Claire is peering over Dan's shoulder!

^Absolutely love this! Nothing better than a whole family full of love!

^Too cute!

^A sweet family pic of the ocean water coming up to their toes!

^Claire is just too cute for words... <3

^Love this angle of Claire.. very playful!

^Elyse is just a beautiful little girl!

^Such a happy girl!

^How sweet is this!?! Big sister Claire giving her little sister Elyse a kiss on the cheek!

^Romantic dip!

^These two are quite the photogenic couple.. so in love!

^Romantic kiss...love how Dan is just gently caressing her face!

^Daddy and his girls...precious!

^A sweet family photo of everyone interacting... my favorite!

^Kate is just stunning! So natural and serene with her baby girl...

^Love Kate's upward glance toward Dan...

^So romantic!

^Loving the foot pop!

^Such a sweet family photo!

^I love the silhouettes here!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

{Angie ♥ Brandon :: Family Session}

Angie and Brandon have nine kids. Yep, you heard right. NINE! And they have never been able to have a full family portrait session done! So, while we were all in Florida for a church convention, we decided to make sure that finally happened for them! Angie and Brandon are great parents and great people and their kids are absolutely adorable, which made my job an absolute breeze! While trying to make sure eleven people are all smiling and looking at the camera is difficult, the results were well worth it. I'm so honored to have had the opportunity to do these photos for them!

^What a beautiful family!

^Brayden... can you say model? haha!

^Mara.. what a beautiful girl...

^Another family shot... just awesome!

^Andriyan...what a contagious smile!

^Leya.. she didn't want to smile, but Jon made it happen... :)

^The girls! :)

^Reece...what a cute kid!

^Had to sit up on my assistant Jon's shoulders to get this shot.. so cute! Apparently when Angie and Brandon were first dating, Brandon wrote this in the sand so she could see it from her window...now they have nine kids and are still in love!

^The boys.. :)

^Marcus.. what a handsome young man!

^Sariah! The cutest little girl ever...

^I love this couple!

^Little Gabriel.. what a cutie!

^Brandon and Angie.. so sweet!